How can continuous provision be adapted and enhanced to improve boys’ achievement in Reception?


Date published: 2020
Research Categories: Assessment, Early Years, Wider Curriculum


The purpose of this study is to explore how the gap between boys’ and girls’ achievement in EYFS can be reduced through independent learning opportunities which encourage development of language skills, provide context for learning and links to active or real-life experiences. The study monitored three identified boys in the Reception year and tracked their progress from the Autumn Term to the end of the Spring Term.

During the research process both the construction and water areas were identified as key areas for development, these became focus areas for the research project. The findings within this project concluded that the introduction of focussed challenge activities, open-ended resources, clear modelling and adult facilitation led to increased verbal communication between boys. More consistent observations of problem solving and critical thinking were noted and progress seen in children making links to multiple areas of learning during their independent play.


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