What impact does the implementation of structured ‘knowing more, remembering more’ strategies have on children’s ability to do this?


Date published: 2021
Research Categories: Key Stage 2, Wider Curriculum


This study was designed to investigate the role of memory in education. It aimed to assess the effectiveness of methods to help pupils commit their learning to long-term memory for Key Stage 2 pupils. Linked to this, an explicit focus was on making links from prior knowledge and understanding new. In Ofsted’s 2019 review, the importance of knowing more and remembering more is a core component of evaluation and now an integral part of their new framework. Each teacher included a memory based activity to the beginning of each of their
humanities lessons for a six week unit of work. At the end of the focus period, each class were tested on retained knowledge through a quiz. Three target children from each class were chosen to provide data, these children were selected to ensure a cross section sample of ability range.


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