As research has suggested, early intervention can significantly increase the development of language skills. It has been concluded, through the action research, that screening children in Reception has a positive effect on the class teachers’ ability to plan according to individual needs by having a more in-depth understanding of children’s language development skills. It also provides opportunities for parents and carers to reflect on their child’s language development through an offer of support with language development at home.
Using action research has enables the following of a clear structure of planning, acting, observing and reflecting, (Kemmis and Taggart 1992). The baseline data from the first Wellcomm Assessment screening provides evidence of progress and clear associated actions.
Having reflected upon the findings of the action research it is believed that screening the children early on in the school year and starting the interventions as soon as possible help the development of children language skills. The outcome, through measuring progress or not means confident referrals to relevant agencies with clear measures of progress or no progress which in turn quickens the referral process. This research project has enabled us to explore intervention and confidently implement it in the next academic year with knowledge of a positive impact for most children.